Shameless Self-Promotion

Posted On Jun 13 2007 by

I will make no apologies, for what is a blog if not self-promotion?

Innovate or die?
Many of you might have already heard that I am moderating a debate at ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., titled “The Ultimate Debate.” For the record, I didn’t give it that name. In fact, I am a even a substitute moderator for the event, doing a good turn for my overbooked and much more unflappable colleague Roy Tennant.

I don’t particularly like superlatives (it comes from reading a lot of press releases)—where does one go from “Ultimate”? Oh well. But I do like this panel and I love the topic, so I hope you will join me and the debaters—Karen Schneider, Joe Janes, and Stephen Abram—as we discuss “Do Libraries Innovate.” For pre-debate rabble-rousing, see the LITA-L list archives!

“The Ultimate Debate: Do Libraries Innovate”
Saturday, June 23, 2007 ~ 1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
Renaissance Mayflower (MAY) Grand Ballroom

Is there a vendor in the house?
On Sunday at ALA, Marshall Breeding and I will take to the riser with a group of technologists from some of your favorite vendors. Unlike some other panels, we have asked the CEOs to stay away and send their CTOs, technologists, and product specialists for a more technical discussion about the state of library automation and a look toward the future. The panel is co-hosted by American Libraries and the Exhibits Round Table and will take place on the LIVE! @ your library Reading Stage in the Exhibit Hall.

This group is not meant to be exclusive, but was kept to a relatively small number so that it would be a good session. It’s not a vendor bashing, but expect some hard and direct questions! Here’s the panel:

Oren Beit-Arie, Ex Libris
Jabe Bloom, TLC
Taco Ekkel, Medialab
Betsy Graham, Innovative Interfaces
Robin Murray, OCLC
Berit Nelson, SirsiDynix
Rob Styles, Talis

This is the first of what I hope might be an annual event. So come one, and come all.

“Speaking Technically: A Conversation about Cutting-Edge Library Automation and Technology”
Sunday, June 24, 2007 ~ 10:30 a.m.–noon
Exhibit Hall ~ LIVE! @ your library Reading Stage


[This post originally appeared as part of American Libraries’ Hectic Pace Blog and is archived here.]

Last Updated on: January 19th, 2024 at 12:22 am, by Andrew K. Pace

Written by Andrew K. Pace

4 responses to “Shameless Self-Promotion

  1. This sounds great – I’m sorry to not be attending ALA. However, I wonder what sort of conversation it might be if the folks from Amazon and were invited….


  2. How come VTLS is not invited? I thought they were bigger than Medialab…

  3. Gloria….size, revenues, good looks, bribes, and persistence played no factor. The main goals of this were:
    1) keep the panel small enough to be interesting
    2) make the questions not so general as to be mind-numbingly boring
    3) make it interesting enough to draw a crowd
    4) hope that it is popular enough to happen every year, and thus….
    5) make participation on the panel competitive so that everyone wants to be on it.

    As I said in the initial message, if we had taken on all requests, and included the broad spectrum, we would have had 12-15 on the panel and maybe that many in the crowd.

    Let’s see how the first one goes….