My first day in Washington for the ALA Annual Conference. I was born in this city and have so far not been reminded why I wanted so badly to leave. It’s nice when the nostalgia lingers. D.C. is a great city, but it can also be hard to live in a place where the barometer changes substantially every 4–8 years. I grew up in the burbs, but I still miss things about this place—the culture, serious politics, and some of the people. I miss the Washington Post.
As I write this, I am actually squatting on the exhibit hall floor—it’s amazing what a smile and a press pass will get you into. Of course, the exhibits don’t open until Saturday, so I am just enjoying watching things get set up. It’s all carpets, electrical power, and trash cans at this point. No candy, contests, and freebies. No business cards, smiles, and awkward eye-shifting to badges as names and place of origin are trying to be recalled or discovered.
I’m going to have a busy conference, so I’m not sure how much time I will have to blog. If there’s any big news, I’ll try to get it up here as soon as I can. I’ve already heard a rumor or two, but I will try to be more journalist than blogger, and wait for the official press releases.
Big thumbs up on the wireless at the conference. Happy 100th birthday, American Libraries, and cool T-shirt.
[This post originally appeared as part of American Libraries’ Hectic Pace Blog and is archived here.]