Forgotten maybe, but not gone

Posted On Jan 25 2008 by

Yes, I am still here. Thanks to so many of you for the virtual cards and letters that have accompanied my transition from NCSU to OCLC.

Today marks the end of three full weeks at OCLC. It has flown by. ‘Hectic’ has new meaning for me, as I learn the ropes of a new job, settle into a new home, and try to make things as comfortable as uprooting and replanting can be for a family of four.

For those of you who were wondering what would become of my writing, I do have a plan. Some of you may have seen my last Technically Speaking column in American Libraries. That chapter is closed. But I do plan to keep blogging.

Some time in the coming weeks, “Hectic Pace” will appear under the OCLC banner as a new blog with an old name, and some different content. When that happens, I will post the link here.

Last Updated on: January 19th, 2024 at 12:22 am, by Andrew K. Pace

Written by Andrew K. Pace

One response to “Forgotten maybe, but not gone

  1. We’ll keep an eye out for it. You might consider updating your blog bio here, too, before Maurice calls you on it.