Time Flying and Fun Having

Posted On Jan 8 2010 by

I woke up yesterday slightly startled by the realization that it was my two year anniversary with OCLC.  A lot has happened in those two years.  Besides all the personal adjustments, which of course are not trivial, work has been unbelievably busy and rewarding.  But don’t take my word for it–apparently moving library management services to the cloud attracted a lot of attention last year as thenumber one story at Library Journal.

But the year was more than a news releases, we’ve actually got working software and it’s being tested by the initial pilot libraries.  We’ve got great engagement from our Advisory Council as well.  I was going to start holding forth on what the future will hold, but my good friend Roy Tennant just warned me about doing that. I’ll get back to trying to make the future.
If you want to catch me at ALA, I’ll be pontificating and/or presenting in a couple of venues:
RMG 2010 ALA/Midwinter Annual President’s Seminar
Friday, January 15, 2010
2:00 – 5:00 p.m., Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Room 162 A/B
No, I was not promoted to President, but I am honored to sit amongst the peers whom I used watch on this yearly panel.
Web Scale for Libraries: A Sea Change for the 21st Century 
Saturday, January 16, 2010
4:00 – 5:30 p.m., Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Room 162 A/B
Come learn about OCLC’s effort to move library management system functionality to Web scale. New network-level functionality will include cooperative services for circulation and delivery, print and licensed acquisitions, and license management.

You can sign up for that second one and other OCLC events here.  You can also find me at the OCLC Breakfast on Sunday morning, Top Technology Trends (10:30-12 on Sunday in 162 A/B…man, I should just sleep in that room!), and the LITA Town Meeting on Monday morning.

Another busy ALA, but I’m looking forward to it.

Last Updated on: January 19th, 2024 at 12:22 am, by Andrew K. Pace

Written by Andrew K. Pace