Helene Blowers to Join OCLC WorldShare Team

Posted On Oct 5 2012 by

I was never much into the sports and games that required tremendous amounts of individual effort–running, kayaking, chess, and the like.  I preferred team sports.  One of the things I am most proud of professionally is building great teams.  I’ve been extremely lucky at OCLC, both in bringing existing staff onto the team and in attracting new folks to join OCLC.

Now I’m very pleased to announce that we have a new team member from the Columbus area…another great hire.  Helene Blowers will be joining us in a new roll created to support the rapidly growing WorldShare Management Servicescommunity.  Helene is well known in both the library IT and public library communities.  In fact, she and I both left North Carolina around the same time 5 years ago to come to Ohio.  She will be leaving her current role at Columbus Metropolitan Library where she has been Director of IT & Digital Strategy for 5 years.
In many respects, this new position is Helene’s to invent, but the main role will include proactive interaction with the WMS community. We know that there are staff at libraries who think about the systems that support their staff and patrons day in and day out.  It only makes sense to have someone who thinks on those wavelengths embedded with the product team at OCLC.  Helene brings a great set of experiences to the job.  I’m very excited to have the new position, and over the moon that Helene is the one who will be in the role!
Please join me in welcoming Helene to the OCLC community.  Her blog post on the move can be found on her site.
To the WMS community–you should be very pleased!

Last Updated on: January 19th, 2024 at 12:22 am, by Andrew K. Pace

Written by Andrew K. Pace