We’re having a ball!

Posted On May 3 2013 by

A couple of months ago, we asked the WorldShare Management Services community to contribute videos to help us celebrate the fact that we reached the milestone of having 100 libraries “live” on WMS.

We had a terrific response from the WMS community. We had nearly 40 submissions from WMS libraries in Australia, Canada and across the United States–truly illustrating the growing worldwide community.   Here’s the compiled video, edited slightly to get all 40 segments just over 4 minutes.  Enjoy!

There are definitely a lot of fun and creative people among the WMS community.  But we already new libraries were like that in general! You can also see each individually submitted video in its entirety.

We’re hugely thankful for how much response and feedback this group of creative library workers has provided as WMS went from concept to pilot and, now, more than 100 libraries live and using the service every day.

Last Updated on: January 19th, 2024 at 12:22 am, by Andrew K. Pace

Written by Andrew K. Pace