E-Book Malaise
Posted On Dec 3 2007I’ve had a few e-mails from folks asking me why I have not reported on the Amazon Kindle yet. As one who was once labeled the “E-Book Evangelist,” certainly I would have an opinion on this one. Frankly, I almost don’t know what to say, and the usual 3-day fermentation period that is my writing style, which usually results in a zippy 250-word blog post, just was not coming. One of the phrases that I used to use about e-books is “the second mouse always gets the cheese.” I thought that for sure early failures in e-book devices would lead …

Yes, It’s True
Posted On Nov 16 2007There’s nothing like a very flattering press release to turn rumor into fact. It’s true, starting January 7, I will be the Executive Director, Networked Library Services, at OCLC. I’ve had a great run at NCSU Libraries, where I have been just shy of nine years. I’m immensely appreciative for all the opportunities that were given to me here—a library that puts its money where its librarians’ mouths are, aspires to and achieves greatness, embraces practical advocacy, and hires some of the best people you could ever hope to work with. I can honestly say that in nine years, I …

Trick or Treat
Posted On Oct 31 2007A bunch of my colleagues are dressed up today. I considered donning my khaki-colored dockers, denim shirt, and brown loafers, but was afraid that no one would recognize me as being a vendor. I needed too many props to pull off the costume, like some PowerPoint slides that look like a real website. I have mastered the ability to smile, rock back and forth on my feet while swinging my arms, and exuding that look of “Boy, do I have a solution for you!” It’s getting harder these days to determine whether what libraries are getting is a trick or …