I’m Back
Posted On Mar 10 2008Follow the footsteps to Hectic Pace at OCLC… [This link was updated to hecticpace.com domain in August 2016, when all content was re-established on the hecticpace.com domain] I’m proud and happy under the OCLC banner. But I would be remiss if I did not thank a few people, including the people who don’t like to be thanked! Thanks American Libraries. You’ve been a great home. Thanks Leonard Kniffel, for talking me into doing this. Thanks Beverly Goldberg, for helping me make sense when I was only making sense to myself. Thanks OCLC, for giving me a new platform from which to …

Forgotten maybe, but not gone
Posted On Jan 25 2008Yes, I am still here. Thanks to so many of you for the virtual cards and letters that have accompanied my transition from NCSU to OCLC. Today marks the end of three full weeks at OCLC. It has flown by. ‘Hectic’ has new meaning for me, as I learn the ropes of a new job, settle into a new home, and try to make things as comfortable as uprooting and replanting can be for a family of four. For those of you who were wondering what would become of my writing, I do have a plan. Some of you may …

Yes, It’s True
Posted On Nov 16 2007There’s nothing like a very flattering press release to turn rumor into fact. It’s true, starting January 7, I will be the Executive Director, Networked Library Services, at OCLC. I’ve had a great run at NCSU Libraries, where I have been just shy of nine years. I’m immensely appreciative for all the opportunities that were given to me here—a library that puts its money where its librarians’ mouths are, aspires to and achieves greatness, embraces practical advocacy, and hires some of the best people you could ever hope to work with. I can honestly say that in nine years, I …