OCLC Is Now . . . OCLC
Posted On Oct 24 2007If you’ve been on a conference call with OCLC lately, you might have experienced that awkwardness of not knowing who you’re talking to sometimes—OCLC? PICA? Former Fretwell-Downing? Actually, the confusion is small compared to many of the name games that have been going on lately, whether it’s corporate identity, code-names for new products, or the revolving door of corporate leadership. Well, in an effort to get out in front of the impending confusion, OCLC has rebranded itself . . . OCLC. There’s a new logo and a new tag line. Branding and marketing aren’t really my thing, I have to …

Putting the World in WorldCat
Posted On Jul 3 2007Seems like a guy can barely put a print column to bed before there’s another change in the library automation landscape. Back (and exhausted) from ALA, I gleefully submitted my column copy for the August issue of the magazine (during the day even, and not the few minutes before midnight on the day of my deadline as usual) when what should appear but another press release from OCLC. With this much e-mail, Bob Murphy should be on my buddy list! OCLC has just purchased the remaining shares of OCLC PICA, the European arm of the library cooperative. OCLC PICA was …

OCLC Scores Again
Posted On Apr 25 2007It’s just not enough for OCLC to grab up good software, create cool new tools, and be the behemoth of the library world; they have to snatch up some great librarians to go along with it! Last month, Karen Calhoun, senior associate university librarian for information technology and technical services at Cornell University Library, left her post to become vice president for OCLC WorldCat and Metadata Services. Yesterday, it was announced that Roy Tennant will be leaving the California Digital Library (CDL), where he has worked since 2000, for a new position at OCLC. Tennant will be senior program manager …