Sacred Cow #4: Notes, notes, notes
Posted On Sep 5 2008In case you’re wondering how many cows are in this pasture, I started counting and figured I could keep this series going for at least the rest of the calendar year. How long can I milk this one? After a while, though, it begins to look whiny and tired, so I thought I would end with a cow for which it might make sense to make more hay. (there, have I…ahem…butchered that metaphor enough?). Some of last week’s work had me thinking about notes fields in bibliographic and item records. Boy, do we love notes. We didn’t quite have the …

Trick or Treat
Posted On Oct 31 2007A bunch of my colleagues are dressed up today. I considered donning my khaki-colored dockers, denim shirt, and brown loafers, but was afraid that no one would recognize me as being a vendor. I needed too many props to pull off the costume, like some PowerPoint slides that look like a real website. I have mastered the ability to smile, rock back and forth on my feet while swinging my arms, and exuding that look of “Boy, do I have a solution for you!” It’s getting harder these days to determine whether what libraries are getting is a trick or …

Preserving Money
Posted On Sep 26 2007It was about eight years ago this fall that I sat down to make my very first attempt at professional writing. I submitted my very first column for “Coming Full Circle” in Computers in Libraries. I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I think I worked harder on that column than on any one since, with the possible exception of my very first column for American Libraries. I’m happy to say that the CIL article on digital preservation still has legs. I’m a little sad for digital preservation that the article still has legs. I was pretty good in those days …