It was 20 years ago today…
Posted On Aug 19 2016I’ve always scoffed at mid-life crises. The number of dads out there buying Porsches and dying their hair gives me a lot to scoff at. Nevertheless, I’ve been feeling kinda old lately. At first, I thought it might be my daughter finishing up high school this year, or the fact that my son has the hair that I always wished I had, or the fact that my wife has not a single grey hair and looks better than the day I met her. More likely it’s my lingering fear that professionally I would one day become what I once beheld–that …

Plan for Success
Posted On Apr 25 2011I had a great opportunity to travel to the northwest this month to attend the Oregon Library Association meeting (briefly) and the Montana (combined with Mountain Plains) Library Association meeting (slightly less briefly). I’ve been wanting to highlight one presentation I saw from that trip ever since I got back and this is the first free moment I’ve had to put it all together. In Oregon, I was participating with colleagues Carl Grant from Ex Libris and Neil Block from Innovative Interfaces in a pre-conference on library-vendor relationships. That sounds like enough fun in and of itself, but it’s actually …

From the Field: RMG
Posted On Jan 23 2009It’s Friday afternoon at ALA, so of course I am at annual RMG session hosted by library consultants Rob McGee and Pat McClintock. I’d be lying if I denied that a big part of me would rather be at the OCLC Symposium where David Weinberger and Nova Spivak are speaking. This has to be an all-time record for number of people on the RMG panel (or any panel for that matter). Ten library automation representatives (including my boss, Robin Murray, Vice President of Global Product Management) and a panel of 5 library innovaters. Forty minutes in and the introductions are …