HIbernation’s Over

Posted On Apr 17 2009 by

Okay, I’ll admit it.  I miss the occasional 70 degree days in January in Raleigh, NC.  It’s fair to say that Ohio doesn’t really have any of those.  I do, however, prefer snow storms to ice storms, Canada Geese to mosquitoes, and Graeter’s ice cream to just about anything.

But one of he most exciting events that happens in a central Ohio Spring is the end to the Winter’s hibernation.  Dormant neighborhood streets are suddenly filled with kids on bikes, excited pets, and families squinting at the sun like bears emerging from caves.  People start eating outside, running errands at lunch, and the extra daylight makes non-work time all the more glorious.
I think today is that day.  Everyone I work with is great, but today the smiles were bigger, the jocularity was funnier, and the “spring” in people’s steps seemed a little bouncier  I think the water even tasted better.
Next comes the energy and excitement that I always have an easier time equating with Springtime.  I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Last Updated on: January 19th, 2024 at 12:22 am, by Andrew K. Pace

Written by Andrew K. Pace

2 responses to “HIbernation’s Over

  1. Having moved to Columbus a little over two years ago, I can second your praise of Graeter’s ice cream. I have the added benefit of working across the street from the Bexley location!

    What happens next? Prepare yourself for construction cones! 😉 (seriously, central Ohio does have some great spring and fall weather)

  2. Oh I disagree on the ice cream. Have you had Jeni’s Ice Cream? Graeter’s is good, but Jeni’s…Jeni’s is in a whole higher category of good.