It’s the Best Library Time of the Year
Posted On Dec 20 2018(sung to the tune of “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”) Press play to sing along with the instrumental track! It’s the best library time of the year With no more children yelling And no one is telling you “get it in gear!” It’s the best library time of the year It’s the qui-quietest season at school Only smile-filled greetings and no more dull meetings Where bosses are cruel It’s the qui-quietest season at school There’ll be books for re-stocking Vendor end-of-year-hawking And overdue fine cash for beer Send the word out to pre-schools Drag queen visit …

Maybe It’s Books We Need
Posted On Dec 19 2017[I figured this was a song in desperate need of some new lyrics. Sung to the tune of Baby It’s Cold Outside. You’re gonna want to grab a singing partner and use the instrumental track for this one!] (Listen to the track while you sing!) I really must binge (But maybe it’s books we need) You mustn’t infringe (It’s definitely books we need) This season has been (Reading will make you grin) So fun to watch (I’ll hold the remote, you hold my scotch) My Netflix queue scrolls forever (Mystery, poems, whichever) And Stranger Things won’t just watch itself (Grab …

Being a Better Ally: First, Believe
Posted On Jul 20 2017
Warning: I might make you uncomfortable. I’m uncomfortable. But it comes from an earnest place. I was recently lucky enough to participate with my OCLC Membership & Research Division colleagues in DeEtta Jones & Associates’ Cultural Competency Training. This day-long session has a firm spot in the top 5 of my professional development experiences. (Not coincidentally, one of the others in that top 5 was DeEtta’s management training I took part in when she was with the Association of Research Libraries). A week later, I’m still processing this incredible experience. And I’m very grateful to OCLC for sponsoring the workshop! …