No Not Google Search Box, Just You
Posted On Dec 14 2016(to the tune of “All I want for Christmas is You”) (if you need a karaoke track, try this one) I don’t need a lot for freedom, Peace, or love, democracy, and I Don’t care about the Congress or their failed bureaucracy I just want a li-brar-y Filled with places just for me A librarian or two No not Google search box, just you I don’t want a lot of features Search results are too grotesque I don’t care about the systems Back behind your reference desk I don’t need to download e-books On the de-vice of my choice Noisy …

We are ALA
Posted On Nov 30 2016I’ve been thinking a lot about governance lately. That said, I will avoid the topic of the recent U.S. election as much as possible, even though it is a factor in what makes me think about governance. Instead, I will focus on library governance and what makes it work and not work. Spoiler alert: active participation. I am an admitted governance junky, an unapologetic lover of Robert’s Rules of Order, and someone who tries to finds beauty in bureaucratic process. I blame my heritage. I come from a long line of federal government employees, all of us born in the …

So you want to be a product manager, part 4: It takes a village
Posted On Oct 13 2016This post is a personal reflection on the excellent post written Rohini Vibha and introduced earlier on Hectic Pace. 4. It’s not about being a star — It’s about managing a universe. Part 3 of this post might have left you with the impression that failure to launch rests squarely on your shoulders. Even though Vibha reminds us in her own story about QuickBooks that “the launch” was her responsibility, she was also relieved to realize that its success or failure was not 100% her responsibility. A good product manager gets the right people in the room. A great product manager listens to the …