I Love Public Libraries
Posted On Mar 22 2010Two more firsts for me this year. After several years of near-misses, I’m finally making it to the PLA Conference in Portland. I also decided to join PLA this year. Having been on the LITA Board for 6 years (3 as an officer), I have heard many times about the expense of professional affiliations. I’ve always paid my own way for ALA and Divisional memberships, which I find to be a bargain compared to other professions. In previous years, I could not think of a good reason to join PLA. But then my job changed at the same time I …

Time Flying and Fun Having
Posted On Jan 8 2010I woke up yesterday slightly startled by the realization that it was my two year anniversary with OCLC. A lot has happened in those two years. Besides all the personal adjustments, which of course are not trivial, work has been unbelievably busy and rewarding. But don’t take my word for it–apparently moving library management services to the cloud attracted a lot of attention last year as thenumber one story at Library Journal. But the year was more than a news releases, we’ve actually got working software and it’s being tested by the initial pilot libraries. We’ve got great engagement from …

My Kind of Conference, My Kind of Town
Posted On Jul 6 2009I’m used to wearing many hats at ALA Conference. In fact, it was the number of hats and the frequency with which I changed them that led to name of my blog. When I joined OCLC 18 months ago, I shed one of those hats–American Librariescolumnist. Nevertheless, the other two hats–OCLC and LITA–seem to have gotten much bigger (please no snide comments about the size of my head). This Annual Conference in July is gearing up to be one of my busiest ever. Rather than bore you with the details of that busy-ness, I thought I would share what I …