Fake News Forever!
Posted On Apr 1 2017Librarians were among the first to join the call to arms and combat the onslaught of fake news that has permeated our political discussions for the last several months. Frankly, it seems hard for anyone to be on the other side of this issue. But is it? Not long after the effort to stop fake news in its tracks, a group of librarians began to consider the long-term implications of eradicating an entire body of content from history. Thus began a concerted effort to preserve all the fake news that a vigilant group of librarians could gather up. Building on …

An Internet without Lies
Posted On Apr 1 2012It’s been a real struggle for me to keep up with my blog and Internet trends have not been helping me. Every time I turn around, there seems to be another link (ironically posted on some techno-blog) declaring that the blog is dead. Others report that blogs have become indistinguishable from online newspapers and magazines. No longer an actual weblog conveying opinion and flow of thought, the real blog has been replaced by 140 character tweets, tumbles, and social network postings. I was not ready to give up the fight, but now I have to wonder if it’s worth the …

Web-scale Management Services Introduces Gesture-based Library Management
Posted On Apr 1 2011Put down that mouse and keyboard! Twenty-first century, Web-based libray management services now means finding a whole new way to interact with library data and customers. As the team at OCLC working on Web-scale Management Services has been hammering out new functional requirements, we’ve had a lot of leeway in breaking new ground. But we’ve really been looking for a way to take the service beyond the obvious trends of electronic content management and mobile interfaces. That’s when one of our developers hooked up his XBox Kinect sensor to our development environment and the ideas started flying faster than we …