Twas the Night Before Migration
Posted On Dec 19 2007Twas the night before migration, when all through ‘brary Not a creature was stirring, not even Homeless Harry. The doors were all locked and the reading room bare, In hopes the IT department soon would be there. The good books were nestled all snug on their carts, They seemed random to those without library smarts. With Starbucks in hand, the IT crew stood tall, The director had retired to sleep through it all. When up at the front desk there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the server room to see what was the matter. Away from my command …

Looking Back, Looking Forward
Posted On Dec 12 2007There’s nothing especially special about the date December 12, but this one was my last day at NCSU Libraries. It was a hard and happy last day. Hard to leave. Happy to see all my friends and colleagues join the department for food, fond memories, and farewells. Rarely at a loss for words, I was moved by the send-off given to me by NCSU. I am going to miss my colleagues greatly, but am confident that I will see them often at conferences and on trips back to Raleigh. The relationships and accomplishments that I have enjoyed with my friends …

ALA Denied
Posted On Dec 8 2007Everything’s up-to-date in Kansas City. At least that’s what I had always been told. In fact KC has gone about as far as they can go by offering free wireless in the airport. I was there this week speaking at the Military Libraries Workshop. As I sat in the airport Thursday evening watching the snow come down and my estimated departure time get farther away, I managed to find a stray power plug and sat down to catch up on email and maybe submit a blog post. The former took no time at all (with only a week left of …