A New Brand Day
Posted On Dec 5 2011So at some point, blogging became like exercise to me. It used to come easily because I did it regularly, and if I didn’t do it regularly, I missed it terribly. I hear that runners get like this…I wouldn’t know. Despite my hectic pace, it’s more webscale than cardiovascular. So, I’m trying once again to turn over a new leaf, looking for an equivalent to new year’s day to start blogging again. I figured that OCLC’sintroduction of a new brand is as good way to start as any. OCLC WorldShare I won’t bore any of you with what goes into …

Year in Review
Posted On Dec 16 2010I’m a deadline kind of guy. I think it comes from writing for magazines. I do much better (even at the last minute) if I know I have a deadline. Frankly, it’s one of the reasons I haven’t been blogging as much as I used to. When Hectic Pace was atAmerican Libraries, they were smart enough to contractually obligate me to four posts per month. I should have told OCLC that if they really wanted me to blog, they should have put it in my contract. So my deadline for a year end review of activities is, naturally, the end of the …

Building Community
Posted On Aug 20 2010On occasion, I still get asked, “Why did you go to OCLC?” That combined with “What and Why is Web-scale Management Services?” comprise my top two FAQ. In fact, I recently recorded an answer to the first two questions for inclusion on theOCLC Web scale site. (The third most-asked question is, of course, “Why Ohio?” but that is bit off-topic and a whole ‘nother story). Back to OCLC and Web Scale–every story has deeper roots than can be articulated in a 3 1/2 minute video. Since I was a kid, I always liked taking things apart. But I’m not much of a …