Jingle Books

Posted On Dec 22 2009 by
Dashing through the stacks 
with a Kindle in my arms 
Dodgin’ folks dirty looks 
They’re immune to e-book charms 
Hand-held ring tones sing 
Mine plays Three Dog Night
What fun it is to mobilize
My library tonight. 
Oh, blog and chat, LOL 
Facebook all the way 
Oh, what fun it is to Tweet 
my deep thoughts every day 
Blog and chat, LOL 
Facebook all the way 
My status says “I’m almost home.” 
More WordTwist I will play.
I used to go offline
But now it makes me Jones 
How can you dodge the grid 
with Netbooks and iPhones? 
I need something more real
I’ll go and play the Wii 
And do my printing with e-ink
It’s green to save a tree. 
Oh, blog and chat, LOL 
Facebook all the way 
Oh, what fun it is to Tweet 
my deep thoughts every day 
Blog and chat, LOL 
Facebook all the way
My status is an inside joke
Is that clever or cliché?
A dozen years ago 
There was no Google search 
No fickr, eBay, or YouTube 
The world was in the lurch 
One-forty keystrokes more 
What did we do before? 
We read whole books and saw our friends 
It really was a bore.
Oh, blog and chat, LOL 
Facebook all the way 
Oh, what fun it is to Tweet 
my deep thoughts every day 
Blog and chat, LOL 
Facebook all the way 
I’ll see you all in Twenty-Ten 
Enjoy the holiday!

Last Updated on: January 19th, 2024 at 12:22 am, by Andrew K. Pace

Written by Andrew K. Pace