Web-scale Management Services Introduces Gesture-based Library Management
Posted On Apr 1 2011Put down that mouse and keyboard! Twenty-first century, Web-based libray management services now means finding a whole new way to interact with library data and customers. As the team at OCLC working on Web-scale Management Services has been hammering out new functional requirements, we’ve had a lot of leeway in breaking new ground. But we’ve really been looking for a way to take the service beyond the obvious trends of electronic content management and mobile interfaces. That’s when one of our developers hooked up his XBox Kinect sensor to our development environment and the ideas started flying faster than we …

Building Community
Posted On Aug 20 2010On occasion, I still get asked, “Why did you go to OCLC?” That combined with “What and Why is Web-scale Management Services?” comprise my top two FAQ. In fact, I recently recorded an answer to the first two questions for inclusion on theOCLC Web scale site. (The third most-asked question is, of course, “Why Ohio?” but that is bit off-topic and a whole ‘nother story). Back to OCLC and Web Scale–every story has deeper roots than can be articulated in a 3 1/2 minute video. Since I was a kid, I always liked taking things apart. But I’m not much of a …

Seeking Stability
Posted On May 13 2010‘Stability’ is one of those words that really depends on the context in which it is used. The Circulation and Acquisitions components of Web-scale Management Services are getting very close to launch this summer. “Stable” is one of those words you long to hear when dealing with software, especially new software. I’m happy to say that things are going well. On the other hand, stability can tend to encourage evolutionary, rather than revolutionary changes. I was pleased to see OCLC’s endeavors in the management services space described as a revolutionary approach by Marshall Breeding. Marshall just spoke at the SCELC …