Helene Blowers to Join OCLC WorldShare Team
Posted On Oct 5 2012I was never much into the sports and games that required tremendous amounts of individual effort–running, kayaking, chess, and the like. I preferred team sports. One of the things I am most proud of professionally is building great teams. I’ve been extremely lucky at OCLC, both in bringing existing staff onto the team and in attracting new folks to join OCLC. Now I’m very pleased to announce that we have a new team member from the Columbus area…another great hire. Helene Blowers will be joining us in a new roll created to support the rapidly growing WorldShare Management Servicescommunity. Helene …

Fewer Shades of Grey
Posted On Sep 14 2012When I was in library school in the mid-nineties, I was told there was a “greying of the profession” in process. As I cocky, young, soon-to-be librarian, I read this threat as a promise. So many librarians would be retiring in the next 20 years that we literally could not fill their seats with the new generations of librarians “coming online.” I was intrigued by the challenge but utterly stunned by the professional response. Somehow this looming threat was turning into a library school recruitment effort. I had a different reaction. If we were a factory, I thought, and we …

A New Brand Day
Posted On Dec 5 2011So at some point, blogging became like exercise to me. It used to come easily because I did it regularly, and if I didn’t do it regularly, I missed it terribly. I hear that runners get like this…I wouldn’t know. Despite my hectic pace, it’s more webscale than cardiovascular. So, I’m trying once again to turn over a new leaf, looking for an equivalent to new year’s day to start blogging again. I figured that OCLC’sintroduction of a new brand is as good way to start as any. OCLC WorldShare I won’t bore any of you with what goes into …