About Andrew K. Pace

Web-scale Management Services Introduces Gesture-based Library Management

Posted On Apr 1 2011 by

Put down that mouse and keyboard!  Twenty-first century, Web-based libray management services now means finding a whole new way to interact with library data and customers.  As the team at OCLC working on Web-scale Management Services has been hammering out new functional requirements, we’ve had a lot of leeway in breaking new ground.  But we’ve really been looking for a way to take the service beyond the obvious trends of electronic content management and mobile interfaces.  That’s when one of our developers hooked up his XBox Kinect sensor to our development environment and the ideas started flying faster than we …

Happy New Year (or how I learned to stop worrying and love that ALA is so early this year)

Posted On Dec 30 2010 by

As much as I love ALA, I have to admit that I am not a big fan of holding it the first week of January.  I fretted too much and too often that it would dampen both my holiday spirit and my ALA spirit.  Alas, like Christmas for the Grinch, somehow or other ALA came just the same.  So time to get ready. This year will be my first ALA in six years without a LITA Board meeting.  While liberating at first, I’m sure it will feel weird not to spend so much time with my LITA colleagues.  Be sure …

My Server Got Run Over by a Cloud App

Posted On Dec 22 2010 by

(to the tune of “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer, click here if you dare and need a refresher)     My server got run over by a cloud app Quicken, Word, and CRMs all grieve I’m lovin’ Google, Mint-dot-com, and Salesforce Like Zuckerberg and cnet, I believe   It’s like software as a service It’s second nature to the kids Any metaphor will work here Clouds, architecture, rent, or power grids   I read ebooks on my handheld And I can bank while in the loo All my data’s on the network At home, at work, in church, …