Year in Review
Posted On Dec 16 2010I’m a deadline kind of guy. I think it comes from writing for magazines. I do much better (even at the last minute) if I know I have a deadline. Frankly, it’s one of the reasons I haven’t been blogging as much as I used to. When Hectic Pace was atAmerican Libraries, they were smart enough to contractually obligate me to four posts per month. I should have told OCLC that if they really wanted me to blog, they should have put it in my contract. So my deadline for a year end review of activities is, naturally, the end of the …

Life Imitates Comedy
Posted On Apr 15 2010I realize I have not been the most faithful blogger since I joined OCLC, but there are two posts per year I have never missed–Christmas and April Fool’s Day. Both traditions started in 2007 and both peaked early. Bob Murphy (OCLC’s Senior Public Relations Specialist) and I still chuckle at the flurry of phone calls caused by my [pre-OCLC tenure] maiden April 1 joke that Google had acquired OCLC. I didn’t think I was going to be able to ever top that one, which was well coordinated with the talented bloggers at ALA Techsource. Leave it to the Federal Government …

Jingle Books
Posted On Dec 22 2009Dashing through the stacks with a Kindle in my arms Dodgin’ folks dirty looks They’re immune to e-book charms Hand-held ring tones sing Mine plays Three Dog Night What fun it is to mobilize My library tonight. Oh, blog and chat, LOL Facebook all the way Oh, what fun it is to Tweet my deep thoughts every day Blog and chat, LOL Facebook all the way My status says “I’m almost home.” More WordTwist I will play. I used to go offline But now it makes me Jones How can you dodge the grid with Netbooks and iPhones? …