HIbernation’s Over
Posted On Apr 17 2009Okay, I’ll admit it. I miss the occasional 70 degree days in January in Raleigh, NC. It’s fair to say that Ohio doesn’t really have any of those. I do, however, prefer snow storms to ice storms, Canada Geese to mosquitoes, and Graeter’s ice cream to just about anything. But one of he most exciting events that happens in a central Ohio Spring is the end to the Winter’s hibernation. Dormant neighborhood streets are suddenly filled with kids on bikes, excited pets, and families squinting at the sun like bears emerging from caves. People start eating outside, running errands at lunch, …

Overdue Stimulation
Posted On Apr 1 2009In a move that is still resonating throughout the library community, the Obama Administration announced that it would be granting nation-wide amnesty to library patrons with overdue books and fines. What this means for the financial bottom line in libraries remains uncertain. One thing’s for sure–libraries won’t hear the cha-ching of the circulation desk cash drawer for some time to come. “Libraries already have a tough time collecting these fines,” commented an Administration official who added, “Getting Americans to spend that money in stores will certainly do more to stimulate the economy.” Neither the American Library Association nor any of …

I Gave Up Blogging for Lent
Posted On Mar 13 2009No, not really. A recent comment to an old post made me realize (as I have for weeks) that I have nothing but old posts on which people can comment. Sigh. As it often is, travel is my latest excuse. This quarter I have been to Denver, the UK, Seattle, Lawrence (KS), and as I write this I am sitting in the airport on my way to Chicago. Next up: Munich, Indiana, and Boston. Fine trips all of them, and I have a list of blog topics as long as my arm, but exhaustion never sets in as heavily as …